Unity in Diversity
It has already been two months that we are into this Vlerick Journey. Can you guess, what is the most tangerine part of this journey? For me, it is working in different teams. I had already worked in teams during my Bachelors and at workplace but working in teams at Vlerick is quite a different experience. It is because the teams that I had worked with earlier had similar mindset, similar educational background and similar interests, but here in this international setting, we have different cultures, different mindset and different educational background altogether.
Take instance of M3, Here we have students from more than 13 different nationalities with educational background ranging from Clinical Psychology to Designer. With so much diversity, it can sometimes be a challenge to put our heads together. But with so many heads together, we reach to a solution that is quite different and discover new insights altogether. Another thing to add is that teams we work in are not the teams we continue to work with whole year. Each course might have different teams & it is interesting to mention that sometimes we are also working in more than one team at the same time. So when Vlerick says Invest 1 year, Gain 5 it means it is going to be intense with the learning of 5 years just condensed into 1.
So do you feel that you can handle the heat?
Keep me posted!