Ca Va Savon wins Vlerick Student Entrepreneurship fund!
An entrepreneurial spirit flows through our school – inspiring our students to think bigger, connect with the most up-to-the-minute approaches, and achieve. Because of this spirit, we want to help as many of our students and alumni to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams as we can. Which is why we set up the Vlerick Student Entrepreneurship Fund – to give them the opportunity to secure funding to take their venture to the next level.
One of this year’s winners was Masters in Financial Management student Kobe Stienaers together with his partner who came up with the concept of Ca va Savon. Of course, we couldn’t let the opportunity pass to ask them about the process of setting up their startup!
How did you come up with the idea for ÇA VA SAVON?
We already started the idea behind ÇA VA SAVON a long while ago when we wanted to
create our own soap for personal use. While we were trying to figure out how to do it, we
found that water was the main ingredient. When we then realized that 80% of our favorite
soap was basically just water. It took us another year before we launched ÇA VA SAVON, by
participating in an incubation course at the Technical University Delft. Here, we were able to
validate our idea(s) and start building our first prototype and gain our first pre-orders. A small
flash-forward later, we found ourselves applying for the Vlerick Student Entrepreneurship
Fund, which accelerated our journey immensely
Can you tell us a bit about how the process of the Entrepreneurship contest?
We came across the Fund contest through an email sent out to all Vlerick students. We
immediately decided to apply. First, we had to explain what ÇA VA SAVON stood for, what
we had already achieved, what our goals were, etc. Later, we received news that we were
invited for the “Pre-Pitch” round, where we had to give an initial pitch of ÇA VA SAVON.
Here, we immediately received helpful feedback, which we could consider for the next and
final round. Once we were invited for the final pitching round of the contest, we had to
provide a full pitch of our idea, progress, achievements, and future to an extensive jury. After,
the jury also provided us with critical questions relating to our market, competitors, channels,
and financials. The entire contest was very insightful for us, as many jury members were
(ex-)entrepreneurs themselves, and their feedback and questions made us think about
crucial points and potential pitfalls.
How will the funding of the Vlerick Student Entrepreneurship fund help ÇA VA
From a financial perspective, the Vlerick Student Entrepreneurship Fund was a tremendous
facilitator to continue our testing and start producing. But from a broader perspective, it
enabled us an extensive network of precious connections, which allowed us (and still does)
to grow ÇA VA SAVON to another level. And we are very grateful for this opportunity!
What would you tell other students who have an idea or are thinking to start
their own business?
You might have already heard this quote, but we believe it to be true: “You miss 100% of the
shots you don’t take!” Starting your own business is not rocket science. It’s about
perseverance and dedication. Therefore, if you have an idea that you are passionate about
and you believe can solve someone’s problem(s), start developing it today! Don’t wait for
tomorrow, don’t think you can’t do it, and especially don’t be afraid to share it with other
Any tips or do’s and don’ts?
First, validate your assumptions and get customer traction as soon as you possibly can!
You’ll realize that in the end, it’s all about your customers. Secondly, talk to people who have
experience creating a business themselves. Their expertise is precious since many start-ups
face similar issues. And finally, don’t focus on a problem or a customer you don’t care about.
Facing the many hurdles you will come across is much easier when you can truly dedicate
yourself to your mission.
Thanks a lot to Kobe and Alix for the inspiring interview. We hope it will inspire others to chase their dreams and compete in the Vlerick Student Entrepreneurship pitch!