MDT Update – Digital Marketing Campaign
As part of the concluding assignments for MDT, before the In Company Projects, during the last weeks of January we presented our Digital Marketing Campaigns. The whole project took 3 months to complete and its clear that both the students and clients, mainly startups and small businesses, are happy with the results.
The assignments were real life cases, with real companies looking for digital consultants. MDT students applied the recently acquired digital knowledge and were able to help and develop the digital strategy for over 10 companies. The strategy included Facebook sponsored posts, Google Ads, LinkedIn ads, SEO audit and even the production of videos to be used over their different platforms.
What’s the best way to learn if not practicing it, right? MDT was able to bring real results to real companies!
Next week the class will go to our Digital Marketing trip, in Dublin, in order to see the companies behind all of this and its clear that we can’t wait to see the behind the scenes.
Check one of the videos created below:
José Vitor (Joe) Corrêa (Masters in Marketing and Digital Transformation – Gent campus)