Deep Dive Challenge
A couple of weeks ago, all masters students had the opportunity to take part in the Deep Dive Challenge. This year’s challenge was presented by Smartphoto.
First, we listened to the CEO Stef De Corte, who gave us an insight in the company and the challenges we were going to tackle in small groups. In just two days we had to come up with a solution, which we had to present at the end. All groups came up with great, diverse ideas. To provide a holistic view on the solution, our programme directors installed several feedback sessions. Those were very useful to optimize the solutions and look at them from different angles.
At the end of the two days we presented our solution to several Smartphoto boardmembers and Vlerick professors. I never would have thought that the feeling of victory and pride of finishing this case succesfully, would be so big. I believe we learned a lot during this challenge and I am already looking forward to the next challenge.
Written by Lara Barrezeele (current Masters in General Management Student, Leuven)